Welcome to Saint Mary of the Assumption
a culturally rich and diverse Catholic family; through our worship, educational, youth and outreach ministries, we endeavor to welcome, to love, to evangelize and to serve, making Jesus Christ present in Word & sacrament.
Following the directives of the Bishops of the United States of America, a separate non-graded program is in place to assist families in preparing their children for the celebration of First Communion. We require two years of preparation to receive the sacrament. This usually occurs during the first and second years of elementary school, but families may choose a different age, earlier or later, depending on the maturity, awareness and interest of their child to celebrate this sacrament. Children need to be enrolled in a regular Religious Education Program, in English, Portuguese or Spanish, or a Catholic school in order to be eligible to enroll in a sacrament program.
Preparation to receive First Communion is completed in the 2nd Year Communion Preparation classes. Please note that students need to complete the requirements of the 1st Year Communion Prep classes in order to be enrolled in the 2nd Year Communion program. Classes start October 23, 2022. Students will meet twice a month on Sunday mornings from 9:00am - 10:15 am. Attending the 10:30 am Mass is highly encouraged.
The Religious Education director, Kathy Moran, will coordinate all levels of curriculum and communicate with families through Flocknote and/or emails.
This is a non-graded program, so that a child may complete this preparation at a time that is best suited to his or her needs as well that of the family.
Our First Communion Mass celebrations for the this year are now being scheduled through the Religious Education office by contacting Kathy Moran through email at, [email protected].
Going forward, to allow for a more personal Mass celebration, we will have a limit of four to five families for each Mass celebration. Families can choose the date they would like to celebrate at one of the 10:30 am Sunday Masses from the following dates: May 1, May 15 or May 22, 2022. Masses will be live-streamed on our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/StMaryOfTheAssumption.
Please make sure all assignments and requirements are completed before your celebration Mass.
The priest celebrating the Mass will have all First Communicants and their families receive communion first. If your child has an allergy or any other medical condition that make you uncomfortable during this time of the pandemic, please let the religious education office know and we will be sure your child receives communion first.