Welcome to Saint Mary of the Assumption
a culturally rich and diverse Catholic family; through our worship, educational, youth and outreach ministries, we endeavor to welcome, to love, to evangelize and to serve, making Jesus Christ present in Word & sacrament.
For over twenty years, Saint Mary’s Parish has been a faithful and committed partner in the twinning project between the Diocese of Worcester and Les Cayes in Haiti. For the last several years, our twinning relationship has been with La Paroisse de Sacre Coeur in Les Cayes, Haiti. This twinning agreement is with the Diocese of Les Cayes on the southern coast of Haiti, the western side of the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea. At the start of our diocesan twinning, Sacre Coeur was administered by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, a missionary order based in Lowell, MA. This order was asked by Pope Pius XII to minister to the needs of the Haitian people when European missionaries could not leave Europe during the Second World War. The Franco-American Province of the Oblates who had priests of French- Canadian background with a fluency in French to minister on the island. One of their own, the Most Rev. Jean Louis Collignon, OMI, was made the Bishop of Les Cayes in the mid-1940s. Often times, the young bishop, who was a native of Central Falls, RI, would travel New England to share his missionary needs. It was on one of these trips that our former Bishop Daniel Reilly heard him preach in Rhode Island and was inspired by his stories. So when, as Bishop of Worcester, he had the opportunity to create a twinning arrangement between the two dioceses, he saw it as a great opportunity for each partner to receive innumerable graces. In recent years, the parish was transferred from the Oblates to the diocese.
At present, Pere Jean-Alfred Bernard is the Pastor of Sacre Coeur in Les Cayes. In October, our two parishes renewed their twinning covenant for a three year term at a Mass in the Cathedral of Saint Paul in Worcester. As part of the terms of this covenant, we are committed to pray for the priests and the people of the parish as well as to provide monetary support. Our agreement is to provide a minimum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) every month. If there were ten families in our parish who could commit to a hundred dollars ($100) a month for a year, we could meet this commitment and help over and above this minimum for special projects and needs in their parish. Or a family might be willing to cover a month at $1,000 a month or a half month at $500. If two dozen families could donate $500 once a year, we could cover our commitment and do even more with our tithing for our brothers and sisters in Haiti
Saint Mary's Parish took up the need of our twinning parish almost immediately after the news of the earthquake reached our parish and we saw that our sister parish was part of the overwhelming destruction. Through a special collection, donations through our internet giving site and generous contributors in the parish, $100,000 was donated within ten months of the earthquake. With this money, Pere Jean-Alfred Bernard was able to raze the remnants of the half standing church, clear the land, and build a center to use temporarily for Mass so that people would be out of the sun and rain during Mass. These photos arrived on their patronal feast, the Sacred Heart, June 24, 2022. The benches and sanctuary furniture and the image of the Sacred Heart were all salvaged from the former church. This new space is bright, clean, airy, and a place of dignity for their worship to God. Let us continue to pray for them as they pray for us.