Welcome to Saint Mary of the Assumption
a culturally rich and diverse Catholic family; through our worship, educational, youth and outreach ministries, we endeavor to welcome, to love, to evangelize and to serve, making Jesus Christ present in Word & sacrament.
We experience God and His divine nature through the Sacraments and by the gentle guidance of the Holy Spirit. Fellowship with other parishes and Christian communities strengthens our Faith and helps us to grow more closely with God and to experience the incredible mysteries within our Faith. Our relationship with the less fortunate allows us (and the ones we aid) to experience the true meaning of the Gospel. Ecumenism refers to the initiatives aimed at greater Christian unity by living our common beliefs: the principles of salvation (saving from sins) and evangelization (spreading the Good News/Gospel to others). Jesus Christ is the center and link between all Christian churches.
St. Mary of the Assumption Parish actively supports Paroisse Sacre Coeur in Les Cayes, Haiti by prayer and financial support. According to the Covenant signed between our two parishes at the Cathedral of Saint Paul in Worcester on October 20, 2018, we provide $1,000 a month to our sister parish as a faith based effort designed to express our solidarity while bringing hope and social development to Haitian brothers and sisters of Les Cayes.
Our community is connected to and works with Sacred Heart of Jesus in Milford as seen in the joint effort at Milford Catholic Elementary School. St. Mary's also supports Sacred Heart Church in Hopedale and Trinity Episcopal Church in Milford. We pray for each other and support efforts to proclaim and live the Good News.
Sacre Coeur, our twin Parish in Haiti, is located in Les Cayes, Haiti