Welcome to Saint Mary of the Assumption
a culturally rich and diverse Catholic family; through our worship, educational, youth and outreach ministries, we endeavor to welcome, to love, to evangelize and to serve, making Jesus Christ present in Word & sacrament.
Many people think of stewardship as what we give to the church in the collection. But the true understanding of stewardship is that it is about our attitude and perspective. It begins with our minds and our hearts. Once we realize that who we are and what we have are directly related to the gifts that God has given us, then we become aware of our responsibility to return a portion of our blessing back to the Lord in thanksgiving. This sense of giving is an obligation, but one that should be done with joy and generosity, for we cannot outdo the generosity of God. The more we return to Him in gratitude for his gifts and blessings to us, the more He desires to give to us.
The first gift of God to any of us is the gift of time. We are born into this gift. Whether we are pope, president or prince, doctor or delinquint, student or secretary, we are all given the same amount of time in every day. No can buy more, our time can only be spent wisely or squandered. The gift of time is one that can be given by every Catholic regardless of his or her income. Your time in prayer and ministry is immeasurable and invaluable to our parish.
As we are all given the same amount of time every day, we are each given different and varied talents. Some have the ability to listen, others the talent of turning raw food into delicious meals, others the capacity to lift another's spirit in laughter, still others can inspire others by their voice raised in song or telling a tale, from the Bible or in a classroom. Whatever your talent, God gave it for a reason, and we can find a purpose in our parish. Follow this link to our ministries here or contact our Parish Office if you wonder how we can best put your talent to the service of the Church.
We are all called to be Good Stewards with God's gift of money. While it is hard earned for almost all of us, a true steward acknowledges that all we have comes from Him. If tithing is not yet part of your family's life, it is never too late to start! If you think you can't afford to tithe, then you definitely can't afford not to. Here are some ways you can donate:
During the Mass Collections
Through the mail
By contacting the parish office (508) 473-2000
Donating Electronically through WeShare (use this link)
Each week Saint Mary's Parish tithes a percentage of its offertory collection to parish, local, diocesan or global needs.